Monday, March 14, 2011

8 months and a day

It's been 8 months and a day since I gave birth to my sweet baby boy Lukas and I can't help but to be emotional on how fast time has passed since that day.   Now he's sitting up, got the process of standing up, eating pureed real food and knows how to object when things don't go his way.   Remember that time when you just came home from the hospital and just shook off the shock of the "wow I have a baby now" and you are exhausted to point of hysteria?   Now, the job is in a whole different ball park.  Watching over your little bundle of joy requires much more precision.  Make sure he doesn't bump his head, make sure he doesn't fall or putting things in his mouth that are either poisonous or too small that it might choke him.  All of a sudden you miss the days when all you have to do is make a bottle or put him in your boob for both nap time and feeding time.  Yup that's exactly where I am.  Did I also mention that having an 8 month old reminded me that i need to loose my pregnancy weight and stop wearing my maternity clothes?  The work of a mother doesn't stop thats what I've learned and that all the exhaustion and sleepless nights is worth that wonderful smile of recognition Lukas gives me every time he sees me.  I may feel sluggish, run down, or a horrible horrible version of all of the make over candidates from what not to wear, to Lukas' eyes I'm brand new, I'm mommy, and I'm safe....

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