Monday, March 21, 2011

Ma's Avocado Treat

When I was young my mom would make us an afternoon treat after our afternoon nap and one of the most memorable treat she gave us is her avocado shake.  Basically it's avocado with milk and blended with ice and sugar.  Simple as that.  So I thought of making a baby food version of that and give it to Lukas.  So here's what I did, it's super simple..

Ma's Avocado Treat

1 ripe avocado, pitted and diced
1 ounce of  liquid formula or breast milk (I used formula)
1 tbsp of mascarpone cheese (I used it for its delicate sweet taste to substitute sugar)
1 tsp of good pure vanilla

Mash up avocado to your preferred texture (mine has lots of texture but you can puree it too with a blender). Add mascarpone cheese mix till both ingredients combine.  Then add formula and vanilla and mix all together. Simple!!

The result is this creamy avocado treat that Lukas just loved. I don't want Lukas to be a picky eater so I make sure that I introduce different kinds of food to him with different kinds of texture. Don't be scared to try different ingredients.  My rule is that as long as it's organic, no chemicals,  no salt and no sugar and it doesn't choke him, then I'll go for it!  Try it and let me know!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ohhh this looks absolutely delicious! It's awesome that you're opening Lukas' palette now.
    I tried something similar to this a few months ago; I never imagined that avocado could be made into a dessert but it's da bomb.
    I love the concept of your blog!!!! It's sweet to see the progress of your adorable child's life :)

  3. Thank you Nicole for reading. More recipe's to come!
